Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ol 'bout Txting...

             Technologies have grown fast these days. New models of cellphones are already released. Cellphones are devices which are used for communicating. Cellphones are of a big help nowadays because in just clicking our cellphones we may be in touch with our friends or loved ones who are far from us. But, the question is, can texting affect my knowledge in English? Let's see.

             I am not fond of texting but I chat a lot. For me, it doesn't affect my knowledge in English because it will depend  in how I will apply the lessons in English in my life. Yes, I always use shortcuts like "Ty for Thank You. or GNSD for Good Night Sweet Dreams" but I use those shortcuts because I am too lazy to type the whole word. My friends also know the meaning of those so there is no need for me to type it whole. I also don't want to make it long for the receiver to read. As long as the idea of the message is there, for me, it is just alright. And when I'm in a hurry, I really need to use those shortcuts. So, it doesn't matter if you use those shortcuts as long as you know the real spelling and pronunciation of each word. But there are also disadvantages of those. Sometimes, we are having a bad time in remembering a spelling of each word.

          So, all in all, all we have to do is to limit the use of those shortcut words for us to have a better grammar in English. We also need to read more books for us to broaden our knowledge, our grammar skills and also in vocabulary. We need to limit the use of our cellphones to focus more on our studies.



Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Week of Happiness

"Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
SEMBREAK like a diamond! ♫♫♫"

                I saw this post on a particular page in Facebook. After reading this, I started thinking of what will happen or what will I do for SEMBREAK. The day before our SEMBREAK, I felt excitement because I will be able to have long hours of sleep and I will have time to bond with my family. Lonely because I will not see my beloved classmates. And nervous because of my grades. I enjoyed every hour, every minute and every second being with my classmates as if we will not meet again.

               My whole SEMBREAK only revolved around medicines, nebulizer, bed, food, taking care of my sick grandmother, cleaning our house, movie marathons, selfies, facebook, twitter, tumblr and many more. Cough, asthma and colds welcomed me at the very beginning of the SEMBREAK. It seems that they missed me so much after many years of not visiting me. My mom is worried that I will have my asthma back so she immediately took me to my doctor and had my check-up there. The doctor only gave me medicines. I helped in taking care of my grandmother who is from the hospital confined for almost two months. Even though I was sick, I helped my mother. And because of my grandmother, our house was fulled with my cousins and aunties and I need to maintain the cleanliness of our house for our health. My cousins and I just watched movies like Safe Haven, Warm Bodies, Insidious, Bed Time Stories and many more. We also cooked food. I helped in arranging flowers for the tomb of my grandfather. I also helped in cleaning and painting the grave.

              All in all, I really enjoyed the SEMBREAK because I had a fun time with my relatives.  I realized that being with my cousins is a lot happier than being with some of my classmates because I know that no one will harm me when I'm in home. I wish that I will have more time with them next time. Cause I know that there's no safer place for me than here in home.

Friday, October 25, 2013

Crazy Little Thing Called "Love"

               "What is love?", "Who is your crush?", I normally answer those questions since I was only an elementary student. Those questions are always included in any Autograph Notebook or Slambook of my classmates since then. My classmates would always take a look in my answer there, however, I just always answer, "Love is blind", "Love is like a rosary, full of mystery", etc. Whenever I see a couple in the street, holding their hands together, I was like, "Oh! That girl is very lucky because she always have a man to protect her and care for her." I don't know nothing about love that time. I am just a fan of love stories. But then when I became a high school student, everything seems just not the same.

               Yes, I had been in love. In love with a guy who is so handsome, gentleman, sweet and kind. I agree that I was been easily fooled with his sweet words. I don't know how I fell in love with him even though he's not that appealing to me. He confessed his feelings for me last February 11, 2011 and we start ignoring each other last April 2, 2011. Yes, those days were too memorable for me. But now, I already knew that he just lied to me. I admit that I felt happy in those times. And as they say, Pain is always a partner of love. I experienced a total happiness whenever he did something to me even though it's just a simple thing or not that important. I also experienced being took care of my crush and whenever I thought of that scenario again and again, my feelings would never change. Now, we're just strangers.

           I know that to hate someone you used to love is such a painful feeling. I hope that we can still be friends. I am so thankful to him because if it wasn't for him, I will not experience love and pain. I also became a stronger person because of him. I will not be able to write this blog entry if he didn't let me experience that. And also, I have my true, best friends now because of him. And if he would have a chance to read this, I just want to say, "Thanks for the memories and I am lucky that I met you. I hope you're always happy now. Take care always." And now, I finally get over him, and I also have my new crush now.

            Love comes in different ways. For me, love is when you're having butterflies in stomach whenever you see him. Love is seeing an imperfect person, perfectly. Love is sacrificing everything just for the one you love. It is just like letting go of someone who you really love but he wants you to get out of his life. And you sacrifice your feelings just to make him happy. Love is when you could accept all the bad attitudes of him. Love is everlasting because I believe that first love doesn't exist but true love do. Love is when you could imagine your future with him. Love is like heights. People are necessarily afraid of it, but their true fear lies behind the idea of falling. And lastly, love is a certain feeling which is very unexplained and unpredictable. No one can't ever define the true meaning of love unless he/she experienced how to love and how to be loved. And their meaning of it also depends on the situation he/she had.

          I would love a man to be inspired and have a companion whenever I have problems. Also to have someone beside me to protect me. I also want to prove that true and everlasting love do exist. My ideal man is kind, gentleman, God-fearing, Music lover, knows how to play instruments or how to sing, loyal, someone who will never be get tired of my attitude and especially the one who will respect me and my parents. And of course, the one who would love me despite of my attitude and my physical attributes.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Imagine me without them? I'm miserable at best.

              Teacher. A six letter word which means a lot to me. A teacher is someone that is always be there who will be patiently teach us the lessons for academics and also lessons in life. They are our second parents in our life. But, before going in to a school, I already met my very first teacher. My first teacher, of course, is my mother. They say that having a mother who is working as a teacher is such a fun thing. Yes, it is fun but, I know to myself that it was quite difficult. After almost ten years of hard works of my mom, I conclude that being a teacher is really hard. Because of being so busy about her lesson plans and visual aids, she didn't even taught a single lesson to me since I was an elementary pupil up to now. I decided to be an independent one when it comes to my studies so that I will never bother her. My mom taught me how to read, sing, dance, count and many many more. And because of that, I salute all of  the mothers out there.

            Sitting in a classroom, I think back to those days when I hated to get up early. Those moments when I couldn't stand to be in school and couldn't wait to get home. In the beginning I was that child that struggled, until the day those special teachers came into my life. Those who believed in me and took time with me, helped me find that school was fascinating and that I was intelligent and had something to give. They come to our class on time and always greet us with their sweet smiles. They understand my weaknesses and praise me when I have progress. They taught me patiently even though I know that I am sometimes noisy and stubborn. My teachers are my second parents and also my friends. I am so lucky to have teachers like them.
A teacher is like spring, who nurtures new green sprouts.Encourages and leads them whenever they have doubts.

           I want to take this opportunity to extent my deepest gratitude to the heroes of my life. Thank you, teacher, for being my life's role model.Thank you, teacher for giving me a goal to shoot for.I'm happy that you're my teacher. I enjoy each lesson you teach. As my role model you inspire me to dream, to work and to reach. With your kindness, you get my attention. Every day you are planting a seed of curiosity and motivation in me to know, to grow and  to succeed. You help me fulfill my potential and I'm thankful for all that you've done. I admire you each day, and I just want to say, as a teacher, you're number one! I thank you now for everything you've done. Your kind attention touched my mind and heart in many ways that you will never know. I will remember you my whole life through. Thank you because if it wasn't for you, I'll be miserable at best.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Much Ado About Errors

Back in the 1500’s, there was once a nobleman named Claudio who lived in Milan, Italy. He served under the duke, Hamlet. Claudio had no family for they had all died so Hamlet took Claudio under his wing when he was but a wee lad. Hamlet gave him education, taught him the ways of battle, and gave him love and care unlike any other. Claudio was very good friends with Duke Hamlet’s son who was also named Hamlet. They took their lessons together, spared together, and they even shared a room. All was good and well until Duke Hamlet’s brother, Claudius, came into the picture.

Claudius had his best scheme ever, planned for many months and refined so many times. Carefully, he would convince the people that Hamlet pays too much attention to his studies and that he does not have time to manage the town and help them with their problems. He would have his brother and his nephew killed before his very eyes, allowing him to take the title of Duke.   

On the ides of March, Claudius had carried out his plan. He had convinced the people that Hamlet doesn't have time for them and that they should get a new duke. He also said that Hamlet and his son Hamlet should be executed. The people said that it was too harsh so they decided that Duke Hamlet will just be exiled.  When Hamlet and his son were exiled, Claudio had helped them get their necessities and helped them aboard a proper ship. When duke Hamlet was gone, Claudius had become the new Duke of Milan.

One year later, a group of people including Claudius, Claudio and Ophelia decided to board a ship home to Milan from a wedding held in Africa that they had attended. During the past year, Duke Hamlet had diligently studied magic, the kind that could help him get his vengeance.  Though learning this magic would be long and perilous, he would stop at nothing to make them pay. During their voyage back to Milan, the ship faced terrible weather. Winds bellowed hard, waves crashed against the ship’s sides, and the sky roared rage. Shipwrecked, they reached a small island. When they washed up ashore, all their eyes met a pair of kind dark ones. It was Duke Hamlet, sporting a tunic of rags and a hermit’s beard. Everyone was surprised! Who knew that out of all the islands they could be shipwrecked in; they had to be washed up on Hamlet’s island? Duke Hamlet had welcomed them with a smile on his face, the friendliest smile ever. It was as if his exile had never happened. Duke Hamlet welcomed them into his home. As the cast-aways entered the house, Duke Hamlet stood by the door, holding it open for them. Claudius was the last person to enter. Duke Hamlet smiled even more and urged Claudius inside. Claudius smiled back and continued on. As he looked at Claudius’ back… he smiled a whole lot more.

A soothsayer passed by and told them “Beware the Ides of March!” Claudius walked away from the group for a while to calm his nerves; he was bothered about what the Soothsayer had said. He knew his brother and he was one to hold a deep grudge. Hamlet was wise and clever so he could have easily figured out that Claudius was the one who set him up. What if Hamlet wanted his revenge? What would he do then? No, he cannot meet his match just yet. He’ll convince the group of people who washed ashore with him to “take care” of Hamlet. They’ll sneak up on Hamlet when he’s alone, then strike him from the back, so he won’t be able to dodge the blade.
Claudius was the leader of one group and Claudio was the leader of the other. Everything was going to go all according to plan… or so they thought. Little did they know what Claudio had in his mind, Claudio thought deeply all the time since this little assassination plan came to life a few hours ago. He thought and thought of what he could do that would keep suspicion off him until the assassination time AND save Hamlet… then it struck him. He knew what to do. It might have been the only way. Had things progressed differently, they might have all been enjoying a nice dinner together but no, Claudius had to take his last breath tonight. He wasn't exactly sure on how to do it, but he would, definitely.

                It was dark, eerie, and downright creepy that night. Everyone was in their places, knives in hand. Everyone there was to stab Hamlet. Claudio was running out of time. He slowly crawled away from where they were hiding. Since it was nighttime, nobody noticed him leave, especially since he had been quiet all day, making his presence unnoticeable. He went to find Hamlet and to warn him on what the group of men with knives was planning to do. He told him where Claudius was hiding.  He was so frantic because Claudius had asked Hamlet to meet him there to talk. The former duke initially thought that his brother was going to apologize… and then he would do the deed. Looking at Claudio with confident eyes, Duke Hamlet reassured him and told him to go back to his ambush position. Still very deeply concerned, Claudio obeyed the man who was a father to him. 

Everything was as Claudius planned. Former Duke Hamlet, his brother, was standing in the middle of the small circle of trees, where their group had spread out. Hamlet was there, patiently waiting for him… Urgh! The ever-patient look on his brother’s face just made him sick. He had it. Slowly and carefully, like a lion about to bite its prey, Claudius emerged from the shadows. Duke Hamlet saw him and greeted him with a smile, the best smile he had given all day, like he would never be able to smile ever again, so he was putting all that he had into this last smile… perfect. Whoosh! Claudius pounced at Hamlet and wrestled him to the ground.

What?! The brothers were wrestling each other… and Duke Hamlet is winning? Claudio could not believe his eyes for Duke Hamlet, though he spent much time studying and researching along with the fact that Duke Hamlet was many years older, was immensely weaker than Claudio. He had to intervene; Duke Hamlet might be pushing his body to the brink of death by putting up a fight like this. He charged at the wrestling brothers. The lackeys saw him charging up to the brothers. This might be it! This might be the cue! They then charged as well, knives in hand, glimmering in the weak moonlight and ready for blood.


Claudius abruptly stopped; he thought he heard something weird. The wind smelled coppery and it felt like his back was wet with his sweat. Oh well, might be his imagination.  He then lunged for his brother… then everything faded into black.
While all of this is happening, Hamlet had met Ophelia and Ophelia fell in love with Hamlet yet, Hamlet didn't love her. Puck saw this and decided to put the love juice on the eyelids of Hamlet so that he will fall in love with Ophelia. He succeeded and those two are now in loved with each other.
Duke Hamlet and the group of conspirators met and Duke Hamlet explained everything. He explained that all this time, Claudius is only fooling them. So they went back and arrived at Messina where the house of Leonato was.  They stayed there and Claudio met Hero, the daughter of Leonato, at first they didn't gave attention to each other, so as they want to know each other, they talk.
Claudio and Hero spend time with each other. Due to this, they fell in love with each other. Claudio decided to have a party for Hero. On the other hand, Romeo and Juliet were talking on the Balcony. They are stating their love with each other and promised to meet again and marry each other the next day. Since Juliet wears the same type of clothing as Hero, Claudio mistook her as Hero and realized that Hero is cheating on him.
On the day of the wedding, Claudio said that Hero is not a virgin anymore and broadcasted it to the crowd. Hero felt a huge embarrassment. Because of her feelings about what happened. Her family members decided to take Hero away. They told the crowd that Hero is dead already and Claudio mourned a lot.

Juliet and Romeo’s love was broadcasted. Claudio realized that he was wrong so Leonato asked him to marry his niece. The day of the wedding came and Claudio married the true Hero. The ending became a triple wedding with Ophelia and Hamlet and Theseus and Hippolyta. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Good is evil and evil is good

"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air."

            Those lines were said by the three hags in a Shakespearean Masterpiece, Macbeth. It is also said that the story revolved in those lines. 
Well, for me, the word 'fair' depicts beauty, wholeness, goodness while 'foul' is the opposite- ugliness, decay, evil. Macbeth's opening line is "So foul and fair a day I have not yet seen" which for me, means, so many men have been slaughtered in battle, yet he has achieved a great victory. 

            The truth of this paradox is woven throughout the play, in how situations appear to be good when in reality they are evil (or vice versa). All people have the capability of being good and appearing evil as well as being evil and appearing good.

            For me, I can relate that line to those who were in the government. It is because when they are running for their positions, they are all good. And us people were easily fooled by anyone. But when they are already in their desired positions, all of the people who helped them attain their goals were just like strangers to them.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

All You Have to do is Dream

            A Midsummer Night's Dream is a play that depicts the difficulties of love, magic, dreams, fantasy and the reality. For me, the climax of the play is when Puck had mistaken in pouring the love juice into a man wearing an Athenian cloth and when the four lovers are at the height of their confusion.

           When Puck poured the love juice into the eyelids of Lysander, the turning point or the said climax is already starting. And when Lysander woke up, he saw Helena and fell in love with her suddenly. Helena ran because she thought that Lysander is only mocking her because he knew that Lysander really loves Hermia. Lysander chase Helena and when Hermia woke up, she saw that Lysander was not there and she find Lysander in the woods. Puck saw their situation and not to worsen the situation, he decided to imitate the voices of the four lovers. And at last, they found each other. Both Demetrius and Lysander are pursuing Helena, and both Helena and Hermia are amazed at this.  The guys go off to find a place to fight, and Hermia threatens Helena with a physical fight as well.  They all run off . Puck and Oberon are left to trick them into the right areas to sort it out.

          For me, that is the climax of the story because it made me more interested reading the whole story. And if that scene was not included in the story, there would be no "A Midsummer Night's Dream".

Monday, September 9, 2013

Forgive and Forget for No Regrets

                  I usually hear the line "Forgive and Forget", when someone is giving advice to a person who was hurt by someone. For me, that line indicates that we should forgive that person and just forget everything. When someone offended me, I easily forgive that person but I know to myself that I will never forget what just happened because the damage was already done. I know that everyone deserves second chances, but for me, it does not only depends on the weight of your sin but also the attitude of the one who committed the sin. And just like my mom always says, "Second chances are okay but third chances are stupid."

                 Everyone commits mistakes, so I believe that we should forgive those people who committed a sin, for our God Almighty forgave us in all of our sins. In my experience, there was a boy who only took advantage of my feelings. He said that he also liked me but the truth is, he didn't. One sided love? Well, that's what my friends told me. (For more clarification of that story, just read my blog, Truth Behind Lies). That boy said sorry to me after one year of not telling me the truth. I easily forgave him and I am very thankful to him because if it wasn't for him, I will not have my true friends now. ♫♫♫He also made me stronger by breaking my heart. ♫♫♫ I also wanted to regain our long lost friendship that was broken because of that so called Love. I just forgive and forget so that I will not have regrets. After those forgiving and forgetting scenes, we are now friends again and only our good memories together are remained in my heart and mind.

               We all know that forgiving is easy but forgetting is a way harder. But, I am very sure that if you're already in a situation like that, you're only the one that can decide and resolve that problem of yours. It is better if we don't have problems with others, right? Just keep moving forward and don't ever look back. So remember. Just forgive and forget so that we will don't have regrets.


Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What is needed or What is wanted?

                   People have different fields they wanted to be achieved or fields that they need in their life. I know that there were many people, including me, who would think for a very long time if they will choose to be an academically - inclined but not the sporty - minded person or vice - versa. But before I get so crazy and confused about it, let's cite some advantages and disadvantages of being an academically - inclined and a sporty - minded person.

                    Academically - inclined people are always in to facts while the sporty one is always in to the physical application of facts that were learnt. Sometimes, academic is harder that sports or vice versa. Academics will be a lot of help in school while sports, it will be of help even in our simple activities. Academics can help you in finding job faster. Sports can help you in every incident that you will face throughout the day such as having injuries. Your intellectual intelligence can also help in fighting for something. It is by sharing or writing all your ideas and thoughts. Just like Jose Rizal did. He fought for the Philippines through his intelligence. Your alertness and physical power can help you fight for something also but this time, by using weapons just like Andres Bonifacio and even our soldiers and policemen. Both aspects are important to us. If we lack one of those two, we were called weak. The level of importance to us will obviously depend on the field that you will take.

                  If I will be given the chance to choose between the two, I would rather choose to be an academically - excelled person. We all know that our dignity and intelligence are the two treasures that we can keep through the rest of our life. No one can be able to get those from me. I know that "Health is our Wealth" but you will never know how or when to apply the lessons in sports if you don't have enough information about the sport and also the scientific explanations of each thing. And if you will be injured, there is a posibility that you will not be able to play again.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

♫ Always Keep A Little Prayer in your Pocket ♫

Oh Almighty God, listener of my prayers, 
In silence and thunders I’ll wait for your answer.
Oh Great God, You alone can ease my troubled heart
With You I’m at peace, for You make my fears depart.

My heart weighs very heavy under all my stress;
I can't help but to blame you for this messed up mess.
Anger, sadness, resentment, hate, and hopelessness
I always pray at night, for You to make it less.

Please take all of my pain and also help me fight;
In every circumstances, help me to do what's right.
This, I must endure, for there is light beyond this dark,
I hope the best and all that's needed is a spark.

During the stormy days, I admit I’m happy.
Cause there’s no classes and I have time for family.
Not even thinking that people are suffering.
Just because of the Habagat and Maring.

I realized it when I watched news on T.V
I pity those people especially the kids.
And by that time, I remained silent and just prayed.
I promise that I’ll be more sensitive next time.

Thanks God for giving another chance of living.
For my kind friends and their friendship that never ends.

For my family who are always loving me.

And at night, as we lay our tired yet strong body
to the bed or couch that makes us always happy,
My very simple offer to you my dear king
is a prayer to thank you for everything.

Please continue to guide those people who suffered.
Give them hope, show them faith and keep them safe always.
Guide their path and let them know You are just near them.
Please allow them to be strong and filled with your love,
For love conquers all fear.

My prayers will continue and rise with the sun,
Sadness and pains that can never be undone
The Creator reminds me I'm not only one
That I have much to learn because I am still young.

Thank you and Amen.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Dirty English Needed to be Polished

Original Text:

Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag English?

                 The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved in its original, unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try direct translation in Tagalog. Pls. read with feelings…

October 1996,

To Marjie,

                 I am not surprise or wander why Dennis leave you why? What reason can you think but you're very fat body. I thought before that Dennis only use me to his toy but sooner and later I'm realize that he really can't not beared or stomached to be with you anymore because at first, Dennis say he could not stand you're habit of making pakialam all his walks (lakad) and always calling to their house what he go home or this or that.
And then he say he get ashame to me either in school or in his family and then asking you to exercise you're very very, very fat body. But you hate it. Thought you're the most preetiest girls he knows about. What do you think you are "BeautifulGirl" of Jose Marie Chan?

                  Even you are beautiful face (to your think) you do not have the right to called me whatsoever or else difference name one time or the other for the real purposed to insults my personality because I'm never call you names either in the fronts of Dennis or in the backs of Dennis, but if you start already to calling me different name, I don't have any other choice but to call you other different name to. Like you are a, PIG, FAT, OBESSED, OVERWIGHT, AND UGLY SHAPE girl. Shame to you're body that is to a BUDING.

                   You can't not blame Dennis for exchanging you to me because I am the more sexier that you when you look to us in the mirror. I'm repeat again that you are like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.

The sexiest Girl of D.M.


You say that I'm the bad breathe but who is Dennis want to kissed. Me or you? And the final is me. There you go.


Ganito Ka Rin Ba Mag English?

                 The following is a letter found at a certain bar in Manila and has been preserved in its original, unedited form. Enjoy reading and you may try direct translation in Tagalog. Please read with feelings…

October 1996,

To Marjie,

                 I am not surprised and not even wondered why Dennis left you. What other reason can you think than you're very fat body. At first, I thought that Dennis was only using me, and then, I realized that he can't bear being with you. He said that he could not stand you're attitude of being intrusive with all of what he will do and being a persistent caller.

                He said that he get ashamed to me, in school and even to his family and then he said that you should reduce your weight. And yet, you always thought that you're the most prettiest girl he knew. Who do you think you are? The "Beautiful Girl" of Jose Marie Chan?

               Even you "think" that you are beautiful, you didn't have the right to call me whatever name you want, whether Dennis is there or not. But if you continue doing such things, I don't have an option but to return you the favor. For an instance, a FAT, OVERWEIGHT, OBESE, AND POORLY-SHAPED PIG. It's a shame that your body's too BULGY.

              You can't blame Dennis for choosing me because I am sexier compared to you. I repeat, you're like Ike Lozada when she is a girl.

The Sexiest girl of D.M.

    You said that I have a bad breath, but who did Dennis chose to kiss him?No one but me. There you go.


                  The choice of words  and the grammars uses for the letter are very poor. Those made my head ache. It was so hard to understand the whole thought of the letter with the kind of those words. But I enjoyed reading it but honestly, it took a long time for me to understand the whole text and even how to construct a better and an appropriate words for the sentences. 

Saturday, August 3, 2013


                            Blogging. I don't know anything about that until I became a third year student. At first, it took me a long time in making my blog because it was my first time. My friends and unties taught me and when I already knew how to do it, I can't stop editing stuffs. For me, this blog as an informal theme  has a big advantage for me because I know that I have a poor penmanship. When writing, mistakes are could not be prevented, here in the blogger, it's just easy for me to erase something. Blogging also helps me to express what I really feel. This is my second way of releasing all of my feelings, first is singing. Blogging also helps me to show my creativeness in designing. For me, this is the best way of writing informal themes since our technology is already advancing nowadays.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Truth Behind Lies

                           How does it feel to be used? To be used by someone you love and you really trust. Well, that was the question I had on my mind when I’m only a twelve - year - old girl. At that time, all that I knew about love is that love is blind because that was I usually hear.  Yes, I had crushes but love? I don’t have time for that until I met him. After I met him, the meaning of love for me changed and it became, “Love looks like a nice thing, but it’s actually very rough when you experience it.”

  My crush is also my classmate. Just name him, King. King became close to me because we became partners in one of our projects.  He’s cute, handsome, kind, generous, and a funny guy. I am always happy whenever I’m with him. I am somewhat a straightforward person.  I always want to be open with the people around me especially when it comes to my feelings. So, I am the one who confessed my feelings first to King. King told me that he felt the same way. Then, our friends said that we have that so called “More that friends but less than lovers” relationship.  We enjoyed each other’s company. We always hang out with our friends but we only treat ourselves as if we’re only best friends when we’re together.

                           But one day, King just ignored my texts and calls and even personally. Actually, that day was our last day of classes as first years. He told me that he didn't want to talk to me. So I decided to stay away from him without knowing the reason. I spent my vacation having fun with my family and friends so that I will not be able to think of him that much. My friends helped me to move on that vacation.  We were classmates again the next year.  In that year, I really tried my best to regain our long lost friendship and I am so thankful to God because I regained it. He became my friend again.  We always talk to each other again but we’re not that close just like before because there’s an uncouth atmosphere whenever our eyes meet. I admit to myself that I still have feelings for him that time. Another year passed, and unfortunately, he’s not my classmate anymore. On that time, I still kept on thinking about the untold reason of King.

                           King has this close friend. Just call him Anne. Anne already knew about the untold reason since we’re second years. Fortunately, Anne is my classmate again and also a close friend of mine. So, I always say to her what I feel so one day, Anne already told me the reason. She said that she is not in the position to tell me that but she already told me to lessen my sadness. The reason is King only took advantage of my feelings, but King also learned to love me anyhow but the bottom-line there is he used me. From the time I knew it, my world seemed to crash. I can’t believe that King did that to me and he only pretended almost all the time. But somehow, I thank him because he already stopped it early. King said sorry to me and I forgave him.

  I am very thankful to God that He let me met King. I became a stronger and a careful person because of him. Sometimes, being a straightforward person is not that good. I should learn how to forgive and forget. I should be honest to all of the people around me. Never get attached to anyone that much because attachments lead to expectations and expectations lead to disappointments. Now, I value friendship more rather than love.  We need to take one step at a time and there's no need to rush. It's like learning to fly or falling in love, it's going to happen and it's supposed to happen. And lastly, sometimes, people choose to leave not because of their selfish reasons. But they just know that things will only get worse if they stay. I already moved on, finally. My only wish now is to regain our friendship again even I already knew the truth behind lies.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

It's Now or Never...

                      "To be or not to be. That is the question" is the most famous quote in one of  inspiring and great Shakespearean Masterpieces. That quote is from the Hamlet. For me, the quote also means, "Take it or leave it.." and , "Opportunity knocks only once."  Ever since I heard about Cavite National Science High School to my classmates and relatives, I dreamed to be a student there. So when I was in Grade 6, I reviewed very hard hoping to pass the entrance exams. And God answered my prayers and I passed the tests. In my first day in CavSci, I know that there would be a lot of pressures for me, but I followed the advice of my mother that CavSci is the best school here in Maragondon and it is very hard passing the test so I am very lucky. So I end up in going in CavSci.

                    As a student, i believe that I should be a responsible individual in passing all of my requirements on time. I should also study every lessons in different subjects. I should participate in every activities that the teacher will give us. I should always be in time, disciplined and alert for all times.

                 If I will not do those things, I will have failing grades and my mother will be disappointed to me also and I don't want that to happen. So I promise to myself and also the one who reads this, that I will do my very best in all and make my dreams come true and also be a successful one who graduated in Cavite National Science High School.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just the way it is

English subject is like my crush
That makes my adrenalin to rush
I felt unexplained happiness inside

That makes my anxiety took aside 

The love of Romeo to Juliet
That everyone would like to feel without any regret
A lover that would sacrifice anything
Just for the one he loves that for him is a precious thing.

Gerunds, Infinitives and Participle
Those words make me shiver and tremble
They are all included in Verbals
To understand more, I need to be logical.

The teacher claimed it was so plain,
I only had to use my brain.
Tenses are time of verb’s action
A simple lesson but very important in our every action.

She said the past of throw was threw,
The past of grow – of course – was grew,
So flew must be the past of fly,
But sometimes, in some verbs, it was hard to apply.

Nothing can replace
My happiness and enjoyment during English time.
I really love English subject and all about that

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Technology for a Better Future

                     For some people, when they were able to hear the word "Technology", they would all think about the gadgets like cellphones, laptops, computers, etc. They all use technologies just for their past times, not knowing that technology can help or aid their burden.

                   Nowadays, technology becomes advance everyday. It is used to improve the living of people. For me, technology will lead us in the future. It can lessen the death rate of a country because technologies for medicines can easily cure the disease of a person. And for me as a student, technology can be used in informing people of a certain topic through social media sites.

                  So the collage explains that technology is the path of light that would lead our way to a better future. Technology can help and guide people on what should be done to finish something. For me, technology will be the root of success of the people like me as a student. It can lessen or prevent all the diseases the some of the problems of humans that can be solved by technology.


Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Two Fearless Lovers

Original Story of Romeo and Juliet (Act 5, Scene 3)
                            The letter of Friar Lawrence was not sent to Romeo because Friar John was quarantined. And the news didn't reached Romeo. So Romeo absorbed the wrong news from Balthasar. Paris saw Romeo in the tomb. Romeo begged Paris to just go away but Paris refused and stayed there. So they had a sword fight. The page of Paris saw this and he called the watch. But Paris falls and died. Paris wished that Romeo should open the tomb and to lay him next to Juliet. Romeo did what Paris said. He opened the tomb and saw Juliet lying there and put Paris beside Juliet in the tomb. He sealed a kiss to Juliet and took out the poison and drank it. And Romeo died right after taking the poison. Friar Lawrence asked Balthasar to go with him but he refused. So Friar Lawrence went to the tomb alone. And when he is already in the tomb, he saw Paris and Romeo there and then Juliet woke up. Juliet asked Friar where should Romeo be. But Friar Lawrence heard a noise from the outside of the tomb and begged Juliet to come with him but Juliet refused. Friar Lawrence left Juliet. Juliet saw the cup of the poison and she found out that there is no poison left in the cup so she decided to kiss Romeo thinking there might still poison on the mouth of Romeo. The watchmen and Paris's page entered the tomb.Juliet heard the noise of the watchmen and the page. She saw the dagger of Romeo and stabbed herself and died. The watchmen saw that Juliet, Romeo and Paris were already died. Capulet and Lady Capulet entered the tomb and saw everything. Lady Montague died because of the grief she felt when Romeo was exiled. So only Montague went there. Friar Lawrence stated all what happened. At the end, the two families ended their feud and agreed to build golden statues for the both Romeo and Juliet.

                          The letter of Friar Lawrence was not sent to Romeo because Friar John was quarantined. And the news didn't reached Romeo. So Romeo absorbed the wrong news from Balthasar. Paris saw Romeo in the tomb. Romeo begged Paris to just go away but Paris refused and stayed there. So they had a sword fight. During the sword fight, Romeo is explaining that Juliet is her wife. The page of Paris saw them fighting and he called the watch. Paris stopped fighting with Romeo after hearing Romeo's explanation. Paris just go to a faraway land. Friar Lawrence go quickly in the tomb and saw Romeo crying because Juliet was dead. Friar Lawrence explained to Romeo that the death of Juliet was just a ruse. So they waited until Juliet woke up. And when Juliet woke up, they kissed. They heard a noise from the outside of the tomb so Romeo and Juliet ran as fast as they could. Friar Lawrence was then very happy alone it the tomb. The watchmen, the prince, Capulets and Montagues came to the tomb. They were very confused what happened to the corpse of Juliet. Friar Lawrence explained what happened. At the end, the two families ended their feud. They searched Romeo and Juliet and the Capulets agreed to the love of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet got married and have they own kids and they lived happily ever after...

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Where are you now?

                        Honestly, I'm not that confident or excited during "Father's day". Wanna know why? I am a product of a broken family. I didn't grew up with a supporting father with me. I didn't also felt the love of my father because he left us when I was only three years old and I don't even know what was going on. Working is the main purpose of my daddy why he left us when I'm only infant and go to Saudi Arabia. At that time, he didn't failed in communicating and sending money to us. But that time was so short. One day, my daddy, failed doing such things to us. Until I became three years old, my mommy found out that my daddy have an another woman there in Saudi Arabia. My mommy stand still and strong to provide my necessary needs. She stand as my mother and father. She didn't even tell anybody about what happened to them. Even my relatives didn't know a thing about it. When I am already six years old, every night, I always heard that my mommy is crying. So I asked my mommy, why and at that moment when she told me the reason, I promised to myself that I will not tell anyone about it. 

                               My daddy only came home because my mommy filed a case against him. He only stayed in the Philippines for two weeks. In those days, I felt really complete. I felt the love of my father even for a short period of time. After two weeks, he left us again and go to Dubai U.A.E. He also had other woman there and they have a child named "Andres". Six years and up to present, I don't know where or what is he doing there. But despite of all those "abandonment", he is still my father. And even though his negative sides to me were so many rather than his good sides, I am also finding the love of my father. A father who's always there when someone annoys me. Someone who will make an effort fetching me in school. A first love of mine.                                     

                      My father's name is Ranel Del Mundo Almanzor. His birthday is April 21. He is from Agoncillo, Batangas. To sing in a competition is his one way of expressing himself. His hobby, drawing, made himself busy when he's bored. Dancing is not his line. His eyes were also poor just like mine. 

And I can't resist it that he is my father....

Until now I've been searching for his love..


Friday, June 7, 2013

The Wind Beneath My Wings

" My mother is the most beautiful woman I ever saw. All I am, I owe to her. I attribute my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. "

                      Ever since I was a kid, I thought that only superman, batman, catwoman and many more who have those supernatural powers, were  the only heroes or heroines in this world that can save the day if we're troubled. But as I grow older, I realized that even I am just in the womb of my mother, I met the hero of my life. My mother do her best just to protect and save me from harm. And as a only child, she treasures me just like a precious jewel.

                     Actually, my mother is a single mom. So let me narrate what happened. My father went to Dubai and have an other woman and a child there, so, my mom decided to support me even if she's a single mom. She is the one who gave me shelter, clothes, foods and other necessary things I need in school or in the house especially her love, support and care for me. She is always been there for me through thick and thin. She makes her patience so long just for me. She's there in every contests that I attended. Even if she's always mad at me because of stress in her work, she says sorry if she says bad words to me....

She is a....

  • nurse when I'm sick.. 
  • teacher that gives lessons in life and also advice...
  • father when there's I need someone to guide me..
  • body guard that ensures that I am always safe...
  • bestfriend when I need someone to listen to all of my problems..
  • chef that always cooks my foods..

                                   Even though I know that I don't say "I Love You" often to my mother, I wanted her to feel the love, support and care that I gave to her.... I will promise that I will not let her alone in her life even when she's already old. I will make sure that I will be able to bring back the efforts she gave to me when she gets old because she's my strength when I was weak.. She's my voice when I can't speak.. She's my eyes when I couldn't see... I'm very thankful to God that she gave me a wonderful mom... I'm everything I am because she loved me.

And now that this will end, I just want all of you to know that MY MOTHER IS THE BEST MOM I'VE EVER MET and I WILL NOT GO DOWN CAUSE