Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Two Fearless Lovers

Original Story of Romeo and Juliet (Act 5, Scene 3)
                            The letter of Friar Lawrence was not sent to Romeo because Friar John was quarantined. And the news didn't reached Romeo. So Romeo absorbed the wrong news from Balthasar. Paris saw Romeo in the tomb. Romeo begged Paris to just go away but Paris refused and stayed there. So they had a sword fight. The page of Paris saw this and he called the watch. But Paris falls and died. Paris wished that Romeo should open the tomb and to lay him next to Juliet. Romeo did what Paris said. He opened the tomb and saw Juliet lying there and put Paris beside Juliet in the tomb. He sealed a kiss to Juliet and took out the poison and drank it. And Romeo died right after taking the poison. Friar Lawrence asked Balthasar to go with him but he refused. So Friar Lawrence went to the tomb alone. And when he is already in the tomb, he saw Paris and Romeo there and then Juliet woke up. Juliet asked Friar where should Romeo be. But Friar Lawrence heard a noise from the outside of the tomb and begged Juliet to come with him but Juliet refused. Friar Lawrence left Juliet. Juliet saw the cup of the poison and she found out that there is no poison left in the cup so she decided to kiss Romeo thinking there might still poison on the mouth of Romeo. The watchmen and Paris's page entered the tomb.Juliet heard the noise of the watchmen and the page. She saw the dagger of Romeo and stabbed herself and died. The watchmen saw that Juliet, Romeo and Paris were already died. Capulet and Lady Capulet entered the tomb and saw everything. Lady Montague died because of the grief she felt when Romeo was exiled. So only Montague went there. Friar Lawrence stated all what happened. At the end, the two families ended their feud and agreed to build golden statues for the both Romeo and Juliet.

                          The letter of Friar Lawrence was not sent to Romeo because Friar John was quarantined. And the news didn't reached Romeo. So Romeo absorbed the wrong news from Balthasar. Paris saw Romeo in the tomb. Romeo begged Paris to just go away but Paris refused and stayed there. So they had a sword fight. During the sword fight, Romeo is explaining that Juliet is her wife. The page of Paris saw them fighting and he called the watch. Paris stopped fighting with Romeo after hearing Romeo's explanation. Paris just go to a faraway land. Friar Lawrence go quickly in the tomb and saw Romeo crying because Juliet was dead. Friar Lawrence explained to Romeo that the death of Juliet was just a ruse. So they waited until Juliet woke up. And when Juliet woke up, they kissed. They heard a noise from the outside of the tomb so Romeo and Juliet ran as fast as they could. Friar Lawrence was then very happy alone it the tomb. The watchmen, the prince, Capulets and Montagues came to the tomb. They were very confused what happened to the corpse of Juliet. Friar Lawrence explained what happened. At the end, the two families ended their feud. They searched Romeo and Juliet and the Capulets agreed to the love of Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet got married and have they own kids and they lived happily ever after...

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