Sunday, August 25, 2013

♫ Always Keep A Little Prayer in your Pocket ♫

Oh Almighty God, listener of my prayers, 
In silence and thunders I’ll wait for your answer.
Oh Great God, You alone can ease my troubled heart
With You I’m at peace, for You make my fears depart.

My heart weighs very heavy under all my stress;
I can't help but to blame you for this messed up mess.
Anger, sadness, resentment, hate, and hopelessness
I always pray at night, for You to make it less.

Please take all of my pain and also help me fight;
In every circumstances, help me to do what's right.
This, I must endure, for there is light beyond this dark,
I hope the best and all that's needed is a spark.

During the stormy days, I admit I’m happy.
Cause there’s no classes and I have time for family.
Not even thinking that people are suffering.
Just because of the Habagat and Maring.

I realized it when I watched news on T.V
I pity those people especially the kids.
And by that time, I remained silent and just prayed.
I promise that I’ll be more sensitive next time.

Thanks God for giving another chance of living.
For my kind friends and their friendship that never ends.

For my family who are always loving me.

And at night, as we lay our tired yet strong body
to the bed or couch that makes us always happy,
My very simple offer to you my dear king
is a prayer to thank you for everything.

Please continue to guide those people who suffered.
Give them hope, show them faith and keep them safe always.
Guide their path and let them know You are just near them.
Please allow them to be strong and filled with your love,
For love conquers all fear.

My prayers will continue and rise with the sun,
Sadness and pains that can never be undone
The Creator reminds me I'm not only one
That I have much to learn because I am still young.

Thank you and Amen.

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