Saturday, November 23, 2013

Ol 'bout Txting...

             Technologies have grown fast these days. New models of cellphones are already released. Cellphones are devices which are used for communicating. Cellphones are of a big help nowadays because in just clicking our cellphones we may be in touch with our friends or loved ones who are far from us. But, the question is, can texting affect my knowledge in English? Let's see.

             I am not fond of texting but I chat a lot. For me, it doesn't affect my knowledge in English because it will depend  in how I will apply the lessons in English in my life. Yes, I always use shortcuts like "Ty for Thank You. or GNSD for Good Night Sweet Dreams" but I use those shortcuts because I am too lazy to type the whole word. My friends also know the meaning of those so there is no need for me to type it whole. I also don't want to make it long for the receiver to read. As long as the idea of the message is there, for me, it is just alright. And when I'm in a hurry, I really need to use those shortcuts. So, it doesn't matter if you use those shortcuts as long as you know the real spelling and pronunciation of each word. But there are also disadvantages of those. Sometimes, we are having a bad time in remembering a spelling of each word.

          So, all in all, all we have to do is to limit the use of those shortcut words for us to have a better grammar in English. We also need to read more books for us to broaden our knowledge, our grammar skills and also in vocabulary. We need to limit the use of our cellphones to focus more on our studies.



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