Sunday, July 7, 2013

Just the way it is

English subject is like my crush
That makes my adrenalin to rush
I felt unexplained happiness inside

That makes my anxiety took aside 

The love of Romeo to Juliet
That everyone would like to feel without any regret
A lover that would sacrifice anything
Just for the one he loves that for him is a precious thing.

Gerunds, Infinitives and Participle
Those words make me shiver and tremble
They are all included in Verbals
To understand more, I need to be logical.

The teacher claimed it was so plain,
I only had to use my brain.
Tenses are time of verb’s action
A simple lesson but very important in our every action.

She said the past of throw was threw,
The past of grow – of course – was grew,
So flew must be the past of fly,
But sometimes, in some verbs, it was hard to apply.

Nothing can replace
My happiness and enjoyment during English time.
I really love English subject and all about that

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