Sunday, September 22, 2013

Good is evil and evil is good

"Fair is foul and foul is fair
Hover through the fog and filthy air."

            Those lines were said by the three hags in a Shakespearean Masterpiece, Macbeth. It is also said that the story revolved in those lines. 
Well, for me, the word 'fair' depicts beauty, wholeness, goodness while 'foul' is the opposite- ugliness, decay, evil. Macbeth's opening line is "So foul and fair a day I have not yet seen" which for me, means, so many men have been slaughtered in battle, yet he has achieved a great victory. 

            The truth of this paradox is woven throughout the play, in how situations appear to be good when in reality they are evil (or vice versa). All people have the capability of being good and appearing evil as well as being evil and appearing good.

            For me, I can relate that line to those who were in the government. It is because when they are running for their positions, they are all good. And us people were easily fooled by anyone. But when they are already in their desired positions, all of the people who helped them attain their goals were just like strangers to them.

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