Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What is needed or What is wanted?

                   People have different fields they wanted to be achieved or fields that they need in their life. I know that there were many people, including me, who would think for a very long time if they will choose to be an academically - inclined but not the sporty - minded person or vice - versa. But before I get so crazy and confused about it, let's cite some advantages and disadvantages of being an academically - inclined and a sporty - minded person.

                    Academically - inclined people are always in to facts while the sporty one is always in to the physical application of facts that were learnt. Sometimes, academic is harder that sports or vice versa. Academics will be a lot of help in school while sports, it will be of help even in our simple activities. Academics can help you in finding job faster. Sports can help you in every incident that you will face throughout the day such as having injuries. Your intellectual intelligence can also help in fighting for something. It is by sharing or writing all your ideas and thoughts. Just like Jose Rizal did. He fought for the Philippines through his intelligence. Your alertness and physical power can help you fight for something also but this time, by using weapons just like Andres Bonifacio and even our soldiers and policemen. Both aspects are important to us. If we lack one of those two, we were called weak. The level of importance to us will obviously depend on the field that you will take.

                  If I will be given the chance to choose between the two, I would rather choose to be an academically - excelled person. We all know that our dignity and intelligence are the two treasures that we can keep through the rest of our life. No one can be able to get those from me. I know that "Health is our Wealth" but you will never know how or when to apply the lessons in sports if you don't have enough information about the sport and also the scientific explanations of each thing. And if you will be injured, there is a posibility that you will not be able to play again.

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