Sunday, November 10, 2013

A Week of Happiness

"Knock! Knock!
Who's there?
SEMBREAK like a diamond! ♫♫♫"

                I saw this post on a particular page in Facebook. After reading this, I started thinking of what will happen or what will I do for SEMBREAK. The day before our SEMBREAK, I felt excitement because I will be able to have long hours of sleep and I will have time to bond with my family. Lonely because I will not see my beloved classmates. And nervous because of my grades. I enjoyed every hour, every minute and every second being with my classmates as if we will not meet again.

               My whole SEMBREAK only revolved around medicines, nebulizer, bed, food, taking care of my sick grandmother, cleaning our house, movie marathons, selfies, facebook, twitter, tumblr and many more. Cough, asthma and colds welcomed me at the very beginning of the SEMBREAK. It seems that they missed me so much after many years of not visiting me. My mom is worried that I will have my asthma back so she immediately took me to my doctor and had my check-up there. The doctor only gave me medicines. I helped in taking care of my grandmother who is from the hospital confined for almost two months. Even though I was sick, I helped my mother. And because of my grandmother, our house was fulled with my cousins and aunties and I need to maintain the cleanliness of our house for our health. My cousins and I just watched movies like Safe Haven, Warm Bodies, Insidious, Bed Time Stories and many more. We also cooked food. I helped in arranging flowers for the tomb of my grandfather. I also helped in cleaning and painting the grave.

              All in all, I really enjoyed the SEMBREAK because I had a fun time with my relatives.  I realized that being with my cousins is a lot happier than being with some of my classmates because I know that no one will harm me when I'm in home. I wish that I will have more time with them next time. Cause I know that there's no safer place for me than here in home.

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