Monday, October 7, 2013

Imagine me without them? I'm miserable at best.

              Teacher. A six letter word which means a lot to me. A teacher is someone that is always be there who will be patiently teach us the lessons for academics and also lessons in life. They are our second parents in our life. But, before going in to a school, I already met my very first teacher. My first teacher, of course, is my mother. They say that having a mother who is working as a teacher is such a fun thing. Yes, it is fun but, I know to myself that it was quite difficult. After almost ten years of hard works of my mom, I conclude that being a teacher is really hard. Because of being so busy about her lesson plans and visual aids, she didn't even taught a single lesson to me since I was an elementary pupil up to now. I decided to be an independent one when it comes to my studies so that I will never bother her. My mom taught me how to read, sing, dance, count and many many more. And because of that, I salute all of  the mothers out there.

            Sitting in a classroom, I think back to those days when I hated to get up early. Those moments when I couldn't stand to be in school and couldn't wait to get home. In the beginning I was that child that struggled, until the day those special teachers came into my life. Those who believed in me and took time with me, helped me find that school was fascinating and that I was intelligent and had something to give. They come to our class on time and always greet us with their sweet smiles. They understand my weaknesses and praise me when I have progress. They taught me patiently even though I know that I am sometimes noisy and stubborn. My teachers are my second parents and also my friends. I am so lucky to have teachers like them.
A teacher is like spring, who nurtures new green sprouts.Encourages and leads them whenever they have doubts.

           I want to take this opportunity to extent my deepest gratitude to the heroes of my life. Thank you, teacher, for being my life's role model.Thank you, teacher for giving me a goal to shoot for.I'm happy that you're my teacher. I enjoy each lesson you teach. As my role model you inspire me to dream, to work and to reach. With your kindness, you get my attention. Every day you are planting a seed of curiosity and motivation in me to know, to grow and  to succeed. You help me fulfill my potential and I'm thankful for all that you've done. I admire you each day, and I just want to say, as a teacher, you're number one! I thank you now for everything you've done. Your kind attention touched my mind and heart in many ways that you will never know. I will remember you my whole life through. Thank you because if it wasn't for you, I'll be miserable at best.

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