Friday, October 25, 2013

Crazy Little Thing Called "Love"

               "What is love?", "Who is your crush?", I normally answer those questions since I was only an elementary student. Those questions are always included in any Autograph Notebook or Slambook of my classmates since then. My classmates would always take a look in my answer there, however, I just always answer, "Love is blind", "Love is like a rosary, full of mystery", etc. Whenever I see a couple in the street, holding their hands together, I was like, "Oh! That girl is very lucky because she always have a man to protect her and care for her." I don't know nothing about love that time. I am just a fan of love stories. But then when I became a high school student, everything seems just not the same.

               Yes, I had been in love. In love with a guy who is so handsome, gentleman, sweet and kind. I agree that I was been easily fooled with his sweet words. I don't know how I fell in love with him even though he's not that appealing to me. He confessed his feelings for me last February 11, 2011 and we start ignoring each other last April 2, 2011. Yes, those days were too memorable for me. But now, I already knew that he just lied to me. I admit that I felt happy in those times. And as they say, Pain is always a partner of love. I experienced a total happiness whenever he did something to me even though it's just a simple thing or not that important. I also experienced being took care of my crush and whenever I thought of that scenario again and again, my feelings would never change. Now, we're just strangers.

           I know that to hate someone you used to love is such a painful feeling. I hope that we can still be friends. I am so thankful to him because if it wasn't for him, I will not experience love and pain. I also became a stronger person because of him. I will not be able to write this blog entry if he didn't let me experience that. And also, I have my true, best friends now because of him. And if he would have a chance to read this, I just want to say, "Thanks for the memories and I am lucky that I met you. I hope you're always happy now. Take care always." And now, I finally get over him, and I also have my new crush now.

            Love comes in different ways. For me, love is when you're having butterflies in stomach whenever you see him. Love is seeing an imperfect person, perfectly. Love is sacrificing everything just for the one you love. It is just like letting go of someone who you really love but he wants you to get out of his life. And you sacrifice your feelings just to make him happy. Love is when you could accept all the bad attitudes of him. Love is everlasting because I believe that first love doesn't exist but true love do. Love is when you could imagine your future with him. Love is like heights. People are necessarily afraid of it, but their true fear lies behind the idea of falling. And lastly, love is a certain feeling which is very unexplained and unpredictable. No one can't ever define the true meaning of love unless he/she experienced how to love and how to be loved. And their meaning of it also depends on the situation he/she had.

          I would love a man to be inspired and have a companion whenever I have problems. Also to have someone beside me to protect me. I also want to prove that true and everlasting love do exist. My ideal man is kind, gentleman, God-fearing, Music lover, knows how to play instruments or how to sing, loyal, someone who will never be get tired of my attitude and especially the one who will respect me and my parents. And of course, the one who would love me despite of my attitude and my physical attributes.

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