Saturday, February 8, 2014

Sweet Agony

                  Honestly, I don't have any regrets in my life now because whatever happened in the past, I enjoyed and learned something new from it. Hmmm. Oh Lord of Regrets! Please give me an idea to start with this blog.... At last! Maybe, just a little, I regret that I fell in love so easily. Yeah. Falling in love is easy as taking a sip of coffee but moving on is as hard as pushing a wall.  The more effort you exert, the more force will act upon you. Falling in love is like jumping off a building: Your brain tells you, "It's not a good idea" while your heart tells you, "you can fly!" Love is food. Once you get hooked with it's taste, it's hard to stop. It's good to share the food but it is so painful that the person you shared with didn't liked it or didn't even gave thanks to you as a response. But, you have to be ready in those situations when you decided to share that food.

                Yes, I admit it. I am so in love with Superman. He is as funny as a barrel of monkeys. When I first saw him, it was like, "Boom!, Lab---dab---lab---lab." My heart always skips a beat especially when he starts talking to me. I am easy on the eyes. Hard on the heart. My love for him is as deep as the ocean. When I started loving him, I didn't realize that it was my last chance to escape from this sweet agony, and this last chance was walking out of my door. He's like a candle. When you are stuck in the darkness, he seems to be the candle that gives me the light I need into the darkness. And I felt comfortable whenever he's with you. My explanation why I loved him is as clear as mud.

              Now, I realize that loving him is an opportunity in my life that knocked only once at my door. Love can give us heartaches that no one could ever heal. But, as what Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." For me, this saying is interpreting that I should not go back to the dark past but instead, I should look forward to see the brighter future. The past can make us realize things that we didn't intend to learn. I know that I will treasure these bitter sweet memories of us. Even though I know that I should be friends again with him, this SWEET AGONY of mine would never be erased from me, forever.

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