Saturday, February 8, 2014

I am Me

             "Just be yourself because there is no one better." I always tell that line to myself whenever I start to compare myself to someone else.  I am Jochelle Ranela Manzo Almanzor. The only child of Jocelyn and Ranel Almanzor.  I am fond of doing things like singing, playing the guitar and the piano. My hobbies are surfing the internet and staying connected with my friends, listening to music, travelling to different places with my mommy, biking with my mommy and playing basketball and badminton with my cousins. Yes, some other people have their characteristics in mutual. But, also of us I know has distinct characteristics that we can show those people who are so fond of comparing and so judgmental.

             Yes, I believe that I am special in my own little way. For me, I am special whenever I sing and I can make everyone quiet. I feel that they love my voice that they will keep quiet just to hear my voice. I believe that my voice is beautiful because that's what my relatives and friends say. I inherit my talent from both of my parents. And I am so thankful to God that I have this kind of voice. I promise to use this talent in good deeds like I will try my best to join a choir in the nearest church in our home. And, I WILL SING NOT TO IMPRESS, BUT TO EXPRESS.

                Because I have my strong points, of course, I also have my weaknesses and flaws but I promise to myself that I will always conquer them and don't let those negative things block my way to success. I know that I don't do these things perfectly, but I always assure all of you that all of those hardships are with my heart. My mother said that I have to be an optimistic person. So, I always make sure to look at the positive side of everything I do and to love the things that I will do. I know that someday, I will be a successful one because of that attitude.

             I know that I am not as good as other singers but I know to myself that I am unique. Just like in music, there are so many types of it. Or in style of voices, all of us can have different voice quality than that of the others that can make you unique. I am Jochelle Ranela Manzo Almanzor saying I am me.

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