Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Day to Remember

All of us surely know The Carpenters. They are my idols because they are really great singers. I am fond of singing so that is my passion. If I would given a chance to go back in time, I would choose to talk with Karen and Richard Carpenters. I also like to have a collaboration with them and tell the whole world that they are totally awesome performers. They are my idols since I was twelve years old. My mother would always ask me to sing their songs. My mom is also fond of singing their songs especially the song, You. I heard their songs on the radio and I was really amazed with Karen's voice. Her voice was really a unique one. The melodies of their songs are so relaxing that I can forget my problems about hearing them.

I just wanted to ask Karen if she can sing a higher song because it was said that only D chords suits her voice. I also wanted her to teach me how to play the drums while singing. For Richard, I just wanted him to compose a song that also suit my voice. A song that also tells about the story of my life.

Even though I'm just imagining those, I am so grateful to meet them in my dreams and imaginations.

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