Sunday, January 5, 2014

A Day to Remember

All of us surely know The Carpenters. They are my idols because they are really great singers. I am fond of singing so that is my passion. If I would given a chance to go back in time, I would choose to talk with Karen and Richard Carpenters. I also like to have a collaboration with them and tell the whole world that they are totally awesome performers. They are my idols since I was twelve years old. My mother would always ask me to sing their songs. My mom is also fond of singing their songs especially the song, You. I heard their songs on the radio and I was really amazed with Karen's voice. Her voice was really a unique one. The melodies of their songs are so relaxing that I can forget my problems about hearing them.

I just wanted to ask Karen if she can sing a higher song because it was said that only D chords suits her voice. I also wanted her to teach me how to play the drums while singing. For Richard, I just wanted him to compose a song that also suit my voice. A song that also tells about the story of my life.

Even though I'm just imagining those, I am so grateful to meet them in my dreams and imaginations.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

9 Stations in Cav Sci

In almost all places here in Earth, there are a lot of rules to be followed. As well as in our school. A lot of rules are implemented just to make sure that the students will be well-disciplined and to act like the future scientists of the world. But these rules are usually disobeyed by students because of the following nine things.

Firs Station, the school gate.


Some students always forgot to bring their I.D with them. But there are these guards and school police who are always there to list their names in a sheet of paper and will be submitted to the concerned teacher. If you disobeyed that rule over and over again, you will be punished by the platoon leader during the flag ceremonies. This violation is commonly done by the students because they thought that the punishment is quite easy for them. Late comers are also punished by the platoon leader and they will have their flag ceremonies by themselves. They are also asked to write a letter explaining why they are late. If they already late for many times, a letter will be given to their parents with their affixed signature on it.

Second station, the guidance office and the principal's office.

This is where the teachers should sign in. Students should remain silent while walking because the principal is quite strict about the noisy ones. And if you are to meet the principal along the way or even the teachers, the students must greet them to show their respect for them.

Third, the pathway.

This is where you could see some students cleaning their respective areas. But some, they are disobeying the rule that all of the students should clean despite of their busy schedule in their studies. The advisers are the one who would gave punishments to those students. The punishment depends on the days they didn't clean.

Fourth, the laboratories and learning centers.

Some students didn't use those properly. In laboratories, some apparatuses are broken and they didn't even replace them. Some apparatuses are not yet been returned after they borrowed it. Some students also not clean those things properly and let those everywhere not even worrying about what will happen to those. In the learning centers, some students didn't return the books they borrowed. Some also litters around the faciility. Some didn't arrange the books properly in the shelves. Some would kept on being noisy even though they are in a library.

Fifth, the canteen.

This is where the hungry people resides. Some students are not responsible of their wastes. They only just think for themselves. Not even thinking that those wastes may harm the environment.

Sixth, clinic

This is where the actors and actresses reside. Some students would lie that they are sick even though they are not. Some just like stay there because it is an air-conditioned room and they just want to sleep there. They also might just want not to attend their classes.

Seventh, the court

Students play in the basketball court even with their school uniform instead of their P.E uniform. It is not required for students because of the dress-code rules.

Eight, the school grounds

Students should speak in English because it is in the policy.  And it is also called the ESC or the English Speaking Campaign. Most of the students were not able to follow this rule because they find difficulty in speaking the language that is not their mother tongue.

Ninth, classrooms

This is where the most of the sins are committed. One is bringing cellphones or any gadgets that are not that needed in the subject. It is prohibited because this may be an instrument for cheating for some. This may also disrupt the focus of the students to their studies. Second is cheating. Students can't resist to do so because some are doing it to have high grades. Third is doing their homeworks at school. Homeworks are needed to be signed by parents but because the students have a lot of works that they can't finish those works. But because homeworks are needed to be signed, some students copy the signatures of their parents just to make their assignments valid.